Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tiger's New Nickname: Cheetah!

Tiger. Tiger. Tiger. Of all people...

What amazes me more than anything else is the risk/reward factor that Tiger had to have assessed at some point and decided, "I'm good." Russian roulette is the only other risk that might be more dangerous. However, you might argue that the fact that Tiger has to live through the consequences of his "indescressions" might even be worse! As if the mere humiliation and embarrassment of getting caught cheating on your wife (and family) isn't detrimental, demoralizing, deflating and costly enough, a guy of Tiger's stature exemplifies the risk and downfall to the utmost extreme.

For a guy that seemingly possessed the fortitude and iron will to stand up to any and all challenges, he was done in by a force that he had to know assured him the consequences he is left to deal with.

Corporate America entrusted their image to Tiger. He reaped un-Godly popularity and financial gain from it. Marketability of this magnatude comes with resposibility - like it or not. This icon status made him a role model for millions of kids and adults alike. He never turned away from this obligation - he embraced it - as most anyone would. People would have killed to trade places with Tiger Woods. He had the world at his fingertips.

Being a person of this stature comes with inherent pressure to live up to the image. However, Tiger didn't have to accept the challenge and responsibility. He could have turned down the offers. He could have chosen another profession. He could have just played golf and gone home. It would have, no doubt, been easier to live outside of the larger microscope. But that was not the chosen route.

You also can't ignore the fact that none of this would have come about if Tiger was single. The fact that he was a married man in this position is the other factor that plays heavily into his scrupulous decisions. You could argue that, just like Tiger, Derek Jeter is a marketer's dream and has cashed in on many of the same opportunities as Tiger. However, the fact that he is not married has allowed him much more lattitude in the expectation and responsibility to toe a particular line of lifestyle choices and faithfulness.

In a day and age of mass exposure, camera phones, texting, social networking and internet uploading, how in the world does a guy like Tiger expect to keep these kinds of decisions under wraps? After all, the women that he was "transgressing" with have everything to gain and nothing to lose from their decision. They're not married. They don't have a world-wide image. They don't have endorsements. They don't have money. I suspect they would even enjoy bragging of their exploits. Not Tiger. In addition to one's own moral compass any one of those reasons would be plenty for most to walk the straight and narrow. The sum of all of them - wow! That's a lot of forces working against you for the temporary satisfaction of "getting a piece."

Now for the damage control...

Rumor has it that Tiger is renegotiating his prenuptuial agreement to entice his wife to stay with him. Why? If you want to pay off a mistress or two to avoid any further public humiliation, okay, that's understandable. But why would he be trying to pay off his wife? It seems rather short-sighted to take this approach. I'm sure the mindset and desire to keep the family together is important. It always is after the fact. However, how healthy could an arrangement of this sort truly be? And I suspect the effects of what has come to light will linger with the Mrs. for a while. I'm just guessing but this probably won't bode well for Tiger's chances in the sack for the next, oh, several years! Therefore, if he thought some action on the side was necessary before...

Tiger will probably never be trusted again. He's in for some miserable times. Most likely even more miserable than getting divorced. The fact is, money gets you a lot of things - especially as much as Tiger has. However, it doesn't get you out of this mess and certainly can't purchase you any peace of mind - the most important thing you possess and which you should endeavor to maintain.

This whole thing is still quite shocking to me. Just think about it in these terms: If someone told you that they'd give you a billion dollars (that's a 1,ooo times more than one million by the way) to NOT cheat on your wife, do you think you could do it?

I guess the only caveat to that proposition would be that you'd be surrounded by beautiful temptresses all the time that would be looking to break your will.

I think I could manage.

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